Sostenibilidad Alimentaria

PHOTO ESSAY: A look back at the Sustainable Food Production Project (PROSAM) in Cuba over the last 7 years

(Tomado de CARE Canada)

Launched in 2015 in Cuba and funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the goal of the  PROSAM project was to improve the diversity and quantity of food available in local markets, strengthen the capacities of municipalities to manage food production plans and support local producers, and ensure that women are involved in agricultural production in their communities.

A variety of activities and initiatives took place to achieve the project's goals:

Taller del del Proyecto de Sostenibilidad Alimentaria en los Municipios (PROSAM)

A propósito del Proyecto de Sostenibilidad Alimentaria en los Municipios (PROSAM) , productoras y productores, instituciones implicadas y coordinaciones municipales participaron en un taller encaminado a intercambiar las principales experiencias, resultados y aprendizajes durante la implementación del proyecto.